Dry mouth can be a sign you need to drink water — you’re thirsty. But too much dry mouth increases your risk for gum disease and tooth decay. This condition can also be a side effect of certain medications. While you should not stop taking your medication, do your best to avoid dry mouth.
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Do you or your child play a sport? Do you use a mouthguard? You probably should. They protect your teeth — and could save you thousands of dollars in emergency dental costs.
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It’s never a good feeling. You bite down on a piece of hard food and suddenly realize there’s something in your mouth that’s not food at all. It feels like a rock, like a small pebble — and you know you’ve chipped a tooth. What do you do now?
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Facing tooth loss? Ask anyone who’s got them: dentures are a pain. They’re uncomfortable. Since dentures move around, they tend to collect and trap food, which can lead to gum loss and further tooth decay. Some say food doesn’t taste the same after dentures. They may even cause you to gag! Dentures definitely aren’t
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Wisdom teeth removal may be a life milestone, a rite of passage — most people have them taken out in their early to mid-20s — but it’s definitely no picnic. Relax. It’s actually not as bad as you think — with the right care and wisdom teeth recovery tips. Here’s what to do
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You might not be a dentist yourself — but you have eyes. Look for these 5 obvious warning signs of gum disease. Think you suffer from any of the following? Call our dental office in Cleveland. We’ll make a complete diagnosis and recommend a treatment plan to get you back to health.
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How early should a child’s dental health be a priority? As soon as they get their first tooth! Even though baby teeth are not permanent, they actually form an important foundation for adult teeth. Taking care of your child’s teeth early on is important! It encourages oral health, prevents disease, and minimizes the risk
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You know you should brush and floss twice a day every day. But what’s the deal with mouthwash? Is it even important to dental care? Do you really need it? Absolutely! Mouthwash is a liquid. It has the unique ability to access all areas of the mouth — the back teeth, the roof of your
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Are you pregnant? That’s wonderful. But now more than ever it’s important to stay on top of the care of your dental health. It’s not only good for you — it’s great for your new baby! But keep in mind that pregnancy can be challenging when it comes to dental care. Your body’s producing hormones
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Does it hurt to eat ice cream, suck on an ice cube, or even drink a cold glass of water? You’re experiencing tooth sensitivity — a kind of dental pain — which means your teeth are trying to tell you something. What is Tooth Sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity is a kind of dental pain that
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